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Deadly Virus Spreading Quickly Health Officials Warn

New Strain of Mpox Virus Driving Outbreak

Deadly Virus Spreading Quickly, Health Officials Warn

Scientists Call for Preparedness as Outbreak Intensifies

A new strain of the mpox virus is spreading rapidly along the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo, raising concerns among health officials. The virus, which is a different and less severe form of the type clade II virus that caused the mpox outbreak in 2022, is causing a surge in cases.

Global health experts and WHO officials have issued warnings, stating that the new strain is driving an outbreak with potentially dangerous consequences. Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral infection that can be deadly, particularly among vulnerable populations.

Scientists are tracking the spread of the virus and have called for preparedness measures to be put in place. The virus can be transmitted through close contact with an infected person, and prevention measures include avoiding contact with individuals exhibiting symptoms and practicing good hygiene.
