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Dhcp Identifier For Windows And Android Devices


Ingmar Verheij

DHCP Identifier for Windows and Android Devices

Understanding DHCP Vendor Class Identifiers

When devices connect to a network, they send out a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) request to obtain an IP address and other network settings. The DHCP request contains several fields, including a Vendor Class Identifier (VCI) that identifies the type of device making the request.

WEB MSFT 5 0 and dhcpcd-5 5 6: Windows and Android VCI

In the context of your paragraph, "WEB MSFT 5 0" is the VCI for a Windows computer, while "dhcpcd-5 5 6" is the VCI for an Android device. These VCIs indicate that the devices are running the Windows operating system and the Android dhcpcd client software, respectively.

Option 60 Field: Differentiating Operating Systems

Option 60 in the DHCP request can also provide information about the operating system of the device. For Windows devices, the Option 60 field typically contains the value "MSFT 50." For Android devices, the Option 60 field may contain the value "dhcpcd-556."

Example: DHCP Name Similarity and Wi-Fi Subnet

In your example, the DHCP name resembles the PC name, suggesting that the device is intentionally connected to the network. Additionally, the device is on the same Wi-Fi subnet as the router where password changes were made.

Updated Client Vendor Name for Windows Devices

In recent versions of Windows, the Client Vendor Name has been updated for some devices. While it used to be simply "MSFT 50," some devices now display as "MSFT 50.."
